A Time Of Distinction Has Come

A Time Of Distinction

“Then a loud wail will rise throughout the land of Egypt, a wail like no one has heard before or will ever hear again. But among the Israelites it will be so peaceful that not even a dog will bark. Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites.”
Exodus 11:6-7 NLT

A time of distinction has come. The people of our land will soon receive the fruit of their faith. Some will face harsh penalties for a stiff necked persistence in evil strictly adhering to demonic agendas while others who have chosen righteousness will experience the goodness and mercies of God. If you’ve sown faith in both prayers and conversations continuously in nearly shameless persistence, even in the darkest most hopeless moments, a stout crop of evidence of God’s favor has now arisen from the ground and can be visibly perceived all around your life.

“He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.”
Psalms 37:6 NLT

This distinction between the favor and fury of God will become more apparent as time passes. Some will reap the whirlwind while others step forward to possess their land. God has strategically placed you in specific neighborhoods in certain cities in order to hold the line. He will send you to certain new places to spread His love and establish His dominion there.

There is a drying up of old sources of income and places of wealth the enemy has grown accustomed tapping while fresh pure oil is swirling up from the ground from both ancient (going back through your bloodline and history)and freshly dug wells (tapped in your lifetime).

A time of distinction has come.