2022 The Year of Double Redemption

2022 Year of Double Redemption

I believe 2022 will be as glorious and awesome as 2021 was oppressive and awful.

This past weekend I was sitting on the back porch visiting with a neighbor as we so often do in our sweet little town and she told me it has been so hot up north that instead of the leaves changing colors they just dying and falling from the tree. When I heard that I froze and pondered the prophetic significance. The next day I felt impressed of the Lord that it is a sign that the enemy thinks he can come in before his time and stop the bride of Christ from entering her final and most glorious season. He actually believes he can stop an appointed time of God.

We have not skipped to the end of the book. We are instead about to enter times of the greatest glory of God ever displayed on the face of this earth. Heaven is coming nearer to us than ever before.

I learned later that this event with the leave isn’t happening everywhere but that in fact the trees of North Carolina, which is full of powerful ministries and the home of Billy Grahams library, are in their full glory exhibiting all the beautiful color variations of fall.

Last Sunday in church during elevated, powerful worship I heard the Lord say “it will be an early fall”. I knew when I heard it that the Lord meant more than just the season.

In Louisiana, Florida and Texas the sugar cane harvest is beginning. God’s people are shifting from preparation to action. Every tractor and machine begins to function fully in the purpose it was designed for. Again moving from preparation to action. There is much joy, celebration and excitement as we begin to gather the fruit of what our farmers have carefully labored over, prayed over, faithfully watched and tended to. When the cane arrives at the mill it is sampled for its sugar content or sweetness and the farmer is rewarded accordingly. Look for the hand of God to elevate, promote and prosper those who have trusted the promises of God during the treacherous “growing season”. Special rewards are coming to those who have encouraged the faith of others during this past “growing” season.

What does it mean that the world has ignored this entire year and celebrated the 2020 olympics this past summer as though 2021 wasn’t valid to be counted? Many are calling this a year of reset. According to the Hebrew calendar we have left the old year and moved into the new so we don’t have to wait until January to enter the next place of destiny. Enter by faith now as the banquet harvest feast is available now.

“Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.”

Zechariah 9:12 NLT

Why don’t you take a minute and according to the word of God call in your double portion multiplied back to you by the hand of God blessing for every hardship, sorrow, setback, delay, hindrance, sickness etc you can think of going all the way back to the beginning of your Christian walk. It’s time to gather in the harvest you’ve labored over in faith and prayer, shift from preparation to action, and begin to explore the other side of the “coin” moving from oppression to glory!