Travel Journey of Greece & Türkiye Adventure

Entry 5

Antalya, Türkiye 

Antalya, part of the Pamphylia region, is a city which Paul visited on one of his missionary journeys recorded scripture.  Antalya has a population of about 2 million people.

Beginning this day the presence of God was so compelling it wrecked me. My heart swelled with The Father’s love for this people causing me to experience slightly more than I could handle. I was a mess!

“Too Good To Not Believe” was the first worship song that burst forth from my iTunes on that day as I sat before the Lord. Another song played and then this same song played again but from a different album. Immediately my soul was alert to it. God speaks to us through the lyrics of songs He has inspired:

“The wonder working God, all the miracles I’ve seen are too good to not believe… You heal because You love…too good to not believe”. 

Listening intently I opened my soul allowing this to reset me and align my expectations to the will of God for the beautiful day ahead. 

Pressing in further, worshipping God according to those lyrics, the Lord uttered “climb higher”! I did! Then our glorious God released a new prophetic promise. This is a promise for all of His people: 

“My plans for you are so much bigger than what you’ve been doing. So much bigger than what you can see”. 

At the end of my worship time I struggled to compose myself so I could get ready. 

Amid our excitement we joined together to pray as family before leaving the ship. We glorified Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords over Antalya and decreed that we carry the dominion of Jesus everywhere we go. 

The sun shone brightly that day illuminating the lush landscape filled with exotic plants and flowers and causing the turquoise waters to glow and sparkle. If only I could see in the natural the mark we made on that place in the spirit with our worship it would be far more breath taking to behold!