Entry 7
Rhodes, Greece
Home of one of one the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Colossus of Rhodes. It was the same height as the Statue of Liberty. Constructed in 280BC to commemorate a victory it remained until destroyed by enemy forces in 653. This massive ominous figure towered over this community for centuries until one day it didn’t. It may seem that the colossal forces we face today tower over us in impossible strength but every force under Heaven exists at the discretion of our God.
The Father has filled me with a passion for foreign languages fueled by the desire to show the love of Christ to those I encounter by speaking their native language to them. I’ve learned Greek and much more Turkish on this vacation but this morning as I began praying in the Spirit it struck me that Heaven culture is my favorite. And the tongues of Heaven are the most fascinating to develop in your walk with God.
Today the Lord opened my understanding to realize that as He made each of us in His own image He released cultures to spin off in every direction after The Tower of Babel and each somehow represents a piece of Heaven. This explains man’s love of travel and experiencing other cultures as expressed through color, language, and design because all were inspired in some way by Heaven.
Even as we travel the world we are at heart seeking The Kingdom.