Glasgow, Scotland
“If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you.”
Proverbs 4:8 NLT
Eagerly I awoke to view the shores of beloved Scotland again. Having first experienced it with my husband, parents and children a few years ago it forever marked all of our hearts. With Scottish ancestry on both sides of my family I had felt such a sense of coming home in visiting Scotland. I never imagined we would have another opportunity so soon to visit again.
As we disembarked and set foot on the green lush land of Scotland again I could feel the hand of God on the area. This country holds a special place in the Father’s heart. I’m reminded of learning that when the English conquered them for 100 years they were not permitted to gather in groups larger than 10, wear kilts or play bagpipes and somehow after generations had passed they returned to their cultural roots and regained their unique identify which we celebrate today.
As we entered Glasgow the sound of bagpipes filled the air and our eyes beheld numerous glorious ancient buildings, even a castle dating back to 1210 which held William Wallace while he was awaiting trial in England. Walking the cobbled city streets with our local tour guide we encountered a precious man standing on a small pulpit in the rain preaching the pure gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart and offering free Bibles. Immediately we went over and cheered him on. He quickly looked down at us, gave us a big smile and continued his work for the Lord.
We enjoyed a comprehensive historical tour from our very knowledgeable guide then treated ourselves to an authentic lunch before returning to the ship. This was everyone’s favorite day. Each time we’ve visited Scotland our visit has felt incomplete, as though it held more for us that was yet to be revealed. Each time we’ve longed to stay and experience more. As I looked up into the misty atmosphere of Scotland with the rolling green hills as a back drop I heard the Lord promise “you will return to Scotland”.
Returning to the ship after dinner we enjoyed a performance by an extremely talented violinist from Hungary. As the captain picked up speed the boat began to rock and she lost her footing carelessly blurting out “Jesus Christ”. I heard negative reactions from people sitting behind me and felt strongly compelled of the Lord to say something. But what? After the performance the Lord gave me His words dripped in grace to say to her “be careful of how you use His name. He loves you and was up there with you tonight but you must be careful of how you use His name because it’s a very powerful name.”
Returning to my room that night meditating on the day’s experiences the Lord suddenly impressed upon me that He desires to send His people into old places while giving them new viewpoints. He needs you to share your fresh, unusual viewpoint so that others who have seen things from an old perspective can be repositioned. (Please take a moment to pray for this precious man pictured below)