2025 Holds Numerous Culminating Moments For You And Your Family

2025 Holds Numerous Culminating Moments For You And Your Family 

As I entered our church Wednesday night I was instantly hit with a message from the Lord. I greeted many children I had known since infancy and with each I marveled at their sudden growth. Some were much taller, others faces had changed, some were experiencing a sudden finishing or completion of a stage of life while others had just entered a new phase. After witnessing the shocked expressions of two friends as they struggled to recognize my youngest son, the message could not be ignored. 

The church of God has been in a season of darkness. The people of God have undergone extreme spiritual growth as they’ve pressed back against evil. The church has grown not necessarily in number but in stature. And now a window of Heaven is open over us shining the light and revealing what we have become!

A traditional passage was shared on this same night but one key verse deeply impacted me and I feel it is prophetic for this new season: 

“Suddenly a great army of heaven’s angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God:”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬ ‭GNT‬‬

This is a year to shift from thanksgiving to praise. Your praise will clear the path ahead. Your praise will level mountains. In a few weeks I will stand on the shores of the Nile in Egypt. I will stand where many great prophets stood. Releasing praise I will agree in the Spirit with the worship of Miriam who on that glorious day hundreds of years ago grabbed the tambourine and shifted the song of thanks to one of praise, adoration and worship.  

Suddenly Heaven will break through this year. Suddenly things will change forever. Suddenly that person will be radically saved. Suddenly your path ahead will clear. Suddenly you will find yourself walking out your Kingdom purpose after decades of waiting. Suddenly you will experience the unimaginable. Suddenly you will live out the impossible. Suddenly life altering revelation will come. 

The phrase “culminating moments” continued to echo in the Spirit until finally I studied it. 

Websters definition of a culminating moment: to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive point, to rise to or form a summit.  

Many “culminating” moments lie in your path ahead. Years, even decades, of steadfast prayers released in faith as incense before the Lord have reached the point of fullness and are beginning to take the form of breakthrough. 

Expect sudden invasions of Heaven’s army in your life this year!